It's got to be pretty warm if even I can get in the lake and swim. Brrrr at first...but after a few minutes...actually enjoyable. So most of us got in at one point or another.
Although swimming was a highlight for me, it's not all we did for the first time this year.
We also...
used our inflatable boat,
dissected owl pellets,
did some target shooting,
and thread wrapped the girls' hair.
Even with all these new activities, we did not deviate from our usual course of...
biking around the little loop,
roasting marshmallows,
eating together around the campfire,
doing a talent show, (here, Lydi's talent is to identify colors ;)
playing soccer in the field,
running up and down the dunes,
and acting silly because we are.
I'm so thankful for these friends, the memories we make together every year, and the beautiful weather we experienced in Honeyman this year.
Oh. I got a few really cute pics of Brielle running in the dunes. I'll e-mail it to ya :)